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Write down the missing words : sheep, winters,  reserves,  eagles, divers, swans,  bluebells,  lake, location, wetland, wildlife,  seabirds, squirrel, marine

         It’s Scotland. There are a lot of national ___1 there.  Let’s look at St. Kilda. It’s one of the famous places in Scotland. There has been a great interest in the natural history of St Kilda, since the middle of the 19th century. A research project studying a special kind of___2  , begun in the 1950s, continues today. There have been also researches about the 3 on and around the islands.  In more recent years there has been a growing interest in the 4___ life. Many 5___ visit St Kilda to explore it. The clean water and St Kilda's remote and unique 6___ has made the archipelago very attractive to visiting divers.

         Another interesting place in Scotland is Loch Lomond. Loch in Scottish means a ___7__  . Loch Lomond national nature reserve is 430 hectares in size and is incredibly diverse. Oak woodlands cover the islands, and a mosaic of open water, ___8, grassland and woodland habitats occupy the Mainland. The climate at Loch Lomond is relatively oceanic with mild ___9___.  These areas all offer a range of habitats which support a huge variety of ___10, some resident and some travelling long distances to spend the summer or winter in this special place. Whether sunshine or snow there is always something new to see! If you are prepared to get off the trail, you may find spectacular golden ___11 flying high in the sky. Or catch a glimpse of ___12___  grown all along the loch shores. For younger visitors there is still plenty to discover. A lot of roadside lochs are home to __13 and geese. Also while visiting the forests, there is always the chance to see a native red ___14___!

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