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When a lot of people … their paper, a lot of trees …. recycle, protect b) recycle, are protected c) are recycled, protect
When forests … , fewer animals have homes.
are cut b) cut c) are cutting
Every year an area of rainforest … and a lot of animals …
cut down, disappear b) are cut down, are disappeared c) are cut down, disappear
When the rainforests … , it …. global warming.
are destroyed, causes b) destroy, causes c) destroy, are caused
It’s good when children …. that everyone can protect the nature.
understand b) are understand c) are understanding
Less than a half of all paper (перерабатывается).
recycle b) is recycled c) is recycling
The wood (вырубается) into small pieces.
are cut b) are cutting c) cut
Old clothes, plastic bags (используются снова) instead of throwing them away.
are reused b) are used c) reuse
Factories and cars pollute the air, it (вызывает) climate change.
is caused b) is causing c) causes
Some children break trees, the environment ( повреждается)

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Ответы на вопрос:

прдядрвнщкз я не могу найти в интернете и не только в понедельник в первой половине дня я буду в Москве и

1.  (tv / invent / baird)      tv was invented by baird. 2.  (pyramids / build / egyptians)       pyramids were built by egyptians. 3.  (milk / produce / cows)       milk is produced by cows. 4.  (coffee / grow / in brazil)      coffee is grown in brazil. 5.  (chopsticks / use / in china)       chopsticks are used in china. 6.  (plants / water / everyday)       plants are watered everyday.

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