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Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в соответствующей форме. there … a lot of books in the library. (ответ считается верным, если отмечены все правильные варианты ответов.) вариант 1 are вариант 2 is вариант 3 will be вариант 4 were вариант 5 was

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There  are  a lot of books in the library

Mickey Mouse the Creators of Mickey mouse are Walt Disney and its chief animator AB Iverks • Mickey mouse's birthday is November 18, 1928. At first, Walt Disney wanted to call the mouse Mortimer, but his wife offered her own version - Mickey. * Disney has long voiced Mickey mouse himself in their cartoons. • Mickey's height is 109 cm • Mickey's Weight is 23.5 pounds • Mickey mouse is the logo of the Disney Corporation. In many disney movies, there is the phenomenon of "hidden Mickey" - at an unexpected moment, a shadow or some other composition appears in the frame in the shape of the head and round ears of Mickey mouse.

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