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вставить слова While painting The Last Supper, Leonardo a difficulty. He to paint The Good in the image of Jesus Christ, and the Evil in the image of Judas who him. He interrupt his work until he the ideal models.
He the model for the figure of Christ in a church where the young man . Leonardo him to his workshop and some sketches of him.
Three years by. The work nearly over, but Leonardo still the model for the figure of Judas. The cardinal who the painting angry and him to finish the painting as soon as possible. Leonardo a model everywhere when one day he a young man lying in the gutter. The man dirty clothes and of drink. There no time for sketches so Leonardo his helpers to bring the man straight to the cathedral.
The helpers him with difficulty, him to the cathedral and him on his feet. When Leonardo his work, the beggar his eyes, at the painting and : ‘I this picture some years ago!’ ‘When you it?’, Leonardo. ‘Three years ago, before I everything. It the time when I in the choir and my life full of dreams. Some artist Christ from me.’
Maybe the Good and Evil really have the same face and everything depends on when we meet them on our way…

to have, to want, to find (2), to go, to sing (2), to be (5), to paint, to lose, to ask, to look, to sеe (3), to say, to finish, to open, to raise, to bring, to put, not to have, to tell (2), to commission, to wear, to smell, to look for, must, to take, to draw, to betray

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Всю долгую зиму в л..сах и п..лях пахло снег..м. Сейчас оттаяли² новые зап..хи. Ч..рные пласты пашни пахнут з..млёй и ветром. В л..су пахн..т прелыми лист..ями и нагретой² к..рой.

Зап..хи сочатся сквозь первую з..лёную щ..тинку тр..вы сквозь первые цв..ты, похож..е на брызги со..нца. Струйками ст..кают с первых клейких л..сточков б..рёз капают вместе с б..рёзовым соком. По невидимым пахучим тропинкам тороп..тся первые пч..лы мчатся² первые баб..чки.Всю долгую зиму в л..сах и п..лях пахло снег..м. Сейчас оттаяли² новые зап..хи. Ч..рные пласты пашни пахнут з..млёй и ветром. В л..су пахн..т прелыми лист..ями и нагретой² к..рой.

Зап..хи сочатся сквозь первую з..лёную щ..тинку тр..вы сквозь первые цв..ты, похож..е на брызги со..нца. Струйками ст..кают с первых клейких л..сточков б..рёз капают вместе с б..рёзовым соком. По невидимым пахучим тропинкам тороп..тся первые пч..лы мчатся² первые баб..чки.


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