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Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный залог: 1.Образец: I did my homework yesterday – My homework was done yesterday by me. 2. Greg played a very interesting game last Monday. 3. He found some money on the shelf. 4. They bought a nice house in the mountains. 5. The famous director produced this moving film. 6. Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel "War and Peace". 7. He admired this picture very much. 8. My father built a new garage.9. Alice put the bag into the wardrobe. 10. Jason learnt the poem by heart.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.have you ever seen big ben     yes,i have 2 have you ever met president     yes i have 3   have you ever bought  sowenirs    no i havent4     have you ever taken photos    yes i have5 have you ever red an interesting book    yes i have6   have you ever   come school late    yes i have7 have you ever gone fishining    yes i have8 have you ever made project in english  yes i have9   have you ever done morning    exercises    yes i have  извини я не ставила знаки вопросы апостровы и запятые просто мне лень и долго бы я писала: )

Популярно: Английский язык