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1.Read the text below. Then choose the best headings to paragraphs 1–8. MADONNA
1 Madonna was born in Michigan on August 16, 1958. She’s got three brothers and two sisters.
2 She was quite successful at school and got good marks. The University of Michigan wanted her to study there, but in 1977 she left school and went to live in New York with $35 in her pocket.
3 Two years later she set up a band called Breakfast Club. Madonna sang and played drums and guitar for the band and later formed another band called Emmy.
4 Madonna signed with Warner Brothers and released her first album Everybody in 1982. Since then she’s sold over two hundred million records worldwide.
5 She’s also acted in many films and done work for charity.
6 Why is Madonna the queen of pop? Perhaps it’s because she changes her image regularly, so her fans never get bored.
7 In 1985, Madonna married the actor Sean Penn on her 27th birthday. Four years later they got divorced. She met Guy Ritchie in 1999 and after a year they got married in Scotland. Their marriage ended in 2008.
8 Madonna had her daughter, Lourdes, at the age of 38. She’s also got three sons. She adopted two of her sons from Malawi.
1. Paragraph
A) Education
B) Madonna’s early years
C) Friends and fans
2. Paragraph
A) Reasons for her popularity¬¬
B) Madonna’s early years
C) Education
3. Paragraph
A) Fame in music
B) Her first band
C) Friends and fans
4. Paragraph
A) Fame in music
B) Reasons for her popularity¬¬
C) Friends and fans
5. Paragraph
A) Other things Madonna is famous for
B) Reasons for her popularity¬¬
C) Fame in music
6. Paragraph
A) Fame in music
B) Friends and fans
C) Reasons for her popularity¬¬
7. Paragraph
A) Reasons for her popularity¬¬
B) Her husbands
C)How many happy marriages has she got?
8. Paragraph
A) Her carrier
B) Her children
C) Adopted children

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. timothy is feeding his dog. 2. mr jones is cleaning his yard. 3. nancy is painting her kitchen. 4. our neighbours are washing their car. 5. i am washing my hair. 6. who is fixing your sink? 7. what is she doing now? - she is dancing. 8. the children are brushing their teeth. 9. what is he doing at the moment? – he is fixing his bicycle. 10. they are having a big dinner together. 11. the boys are running about in the garden. 12. i am doing my homework. 13. john and his friends are going to the library. 14. ann is sitting at her desk. she is studying geography. 15. a young man is standing at the window. he is smoking a cigarette. 16. the old man is walking about the room. 17. the dog is lying on the floor. 18. are you having a break? 19. what language are you studying? 20. who is to lying on the sofa? 21. what are they talking about? 22. it is still raining. 23. i am opening an umbrella. 24. john is playing computer games. 25. my friend is collecting material for a book that he is writing now. 26. she is feeling tired. 27. we are having a private lesson in computer science.   1. тимофей кормит своих собак. 2. мистер джонс чистит свой двор. 3. нэнси красит свою кухню. 4. наши соседи моют автомобиль. 5. я мою волосы. 6. кто крепит вашу раковину? 7. что она делает сейчас? - она танцует. 8. дети чистят свои зубы. 9. что он делает в данный момент? - он закрепляет свой велосипед. 10. у них сегодня будет большой обед вместе. 11. мальчики бегают по саду. 12. я делаю мою работу. 13. джон и его друзья собираются в библиотеку. 14. энн сидит за столом. она учит . 15. молодой человек стоит около окна. он курит сигарету. 16. старик ходит по комнате. 17. собака лежит на полу. 18. у вас перерыв? 19. какой язык ты учишь? 20. кто лежит на диване? 21. о чём они говорят? 22. еще идёт дождь. 23. я открываю зонт. 24. джон играет в компьютерные игры. 25. мой друг собирает материал для книги, которую он пишет сейчас. 26. она чувствует себя усталой. 27. у нас будет частный урок по информатике.

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