Есть ответ 👍

1 The person is a woman. T/F
2. She is a television journalist. T/F
3. She drives her car to work. TVF
4. She goes home after the programme finishes. T/F
5. She is in the house alone till her husband arrives home. T/F
6. She goes to bed early during the week. T/F
7. She works with her husband. T/F
8. She likes everything about her job. T/F​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ben is Anna's cousin

Joanna is Rob's grandmother

Mark is Ben's uncle

Rob is Lucy's nephew

Zak is Emma's husband

Sam is Andy's father

Amelia is Ellie's aunt

Anna is Ellie's sister

Sam is Rob's grandfather

Бен - двородный брат Анны

Джоанна - бабушка Роба

Марк - дядя Бена

Роб - племянник Люси

Зак - муж Эммы

Сэм - отец Энди

Амелия - тетя Элли

Анна - сестра Элли

Сэм - дедушка Роба


Популярно: Английский язык