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Нужно раскрыть скобки и поместить глаголы в present simple или present continuous или past simple. 1) what music your brother often (to listen to)? 2) what music your brother (to listen to) yesterday evening? 3) this boy often (to learn) poems by heart? 4) this boy (to learn) a poem by heart now? 5) this boy (to learn) a poem by heart the other day? 6) who usually (to drive) her to work? 7) who (to drive) her to work now? 8) who (to drive) her to work last tuesday? 9) why jim usually (not to help) you with maths? 10) why jim (not to help) you with maths now? 11) why jim (not to help) you with maths last week? 12) with whom his sister (to go) on a journey every holiday? 13) with whom his sister (to go) on a journey now? 14) with whom his sister (to go) on a journey last year?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) what music does  your brother often   listen to? 2) what music did  your brother   listen to yesterday evening? 3) does this boy often   learn poems by heart? 4) is this boy   learning a poem by heart now? 5) did this boy   learn a poem by heart the other day? 6) who usually   drives her to work? 7) who is driving her to work now? 8) who   drove her to work last tuesday? 9) why doesn't  jim usually   help you with maths? 10) why isn't  jim   helping you with maths now? 11) why  didn't  jim   help you with maths last week? 12) with whom does  his sister   go on a journey every holiday? 13) with whom is  his sister   going on a journey now? 14) with whom did  his sister   go on a journey last year?

Hello my name im i but i dont'like(не my favourite(мой любимый) удачи вам

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