Укажите правильный вариант глагола to be в пассивном залоге. 1. We are picking apples now.
Apples picked now
а) are being
б) was being
в) have being
2. I will ask a question.
A question asked by me.
а) is
б) was
в) will be
3. I will ask a question.
A question asked by me.
а) is
б) was
в) will be
4. The boys play football.
Football played by boys.
а) are
б) is
в) was
5. The boys play football.
Football played by boys.
а) are
б) is
в) was
6. Anna opened the window.
The window opened by Anna.
а) was
б) were
в) has been
7. I take books at the library. (Active Voice)
Books taken at the library. (Passive Voice)
а) is
б) was
в) are

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 a

2 в

3 в повторение 2

4 б

5 б повторение 4

6 а

7 а


1.was 2.Do you do, do 3.have never jump 4. have lived 5.have you see 6. has never visit 7. have never live 8.have already wrote 9.havent tried 10.hasn`t answered 11.is singing 12. just have cut 13. isn`t played 14. just has came back


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