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Можете , мне нужно сочинение на 70-90 слов на тему "хорошое дело"(желательно что бы дело было написано, как будто я его недавно делал) напишите

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two years ago i walked in the park with my parents, when a pretty pussy cat of the white color сame to us. it had a tally on her neck. its nickname   "vasilisa" was written on it. i wanted to take it to our home very much, but my dad understood that the cat was expensive enough and noble. he said that its owners were sure to cry looking for it. they certainly loved it: it was cared well. and he added that it would be dishonestly to let it live with us. the following day we sticked announcements with the photo of vasilisa and the text "we found the cat   "vasilisa" by name". my mum placed the information in the social net. nobody wanted to take vasilisa back   and our pretty pussy still lives with us. recently white pussy kittens were born. they are like its mummy.  

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