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Russia occupies one-sixth of the world's surface. It is the largest state in the world. Russia is rich in deposits of coal, natural gas, iron-ore, copper, nickel, platinum, silver and many other mineral resources. The population of Russia is about 150 million. Russia is the country of many nationalities-big and small. The climate of Russia can be named as a moderately continental one. There are many rivers in our country. Most of the lager rivers empty their waters into the Arctic Ocean. The very heart of our land is Red Square in Moscow. Red Square is the traditional place for military parades and working people’s demonstrations on national holidays. During the great Patriotic War the peoples of the Soviet Union stand up as one man with arms in hand and fight the fascist invaders. The 9th of May is Victory Day and our country will celebrate it always.

Today visitors to Russia can see great changes in the country’s economic, social and cultural life.

The market economy will create new forms of relations between people.

2. Задайте к тексту пять вопросов по-английски.

Выпишите из текста предложения, которые стоят в неопределенном и будущем неопределенном времени.
3. Найдите в тексте предложения, где прилагательное стоит в превосходной степени. Образуйте сравнительную степень от следующих прилагательных: red, large, happy, little, handsome.

4. Переведите на английский язык предложения:

а) Эта река – самая большая в нашей стране.

б) Эти озера были богаты рыбой.

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1.my cousin doesn't want to become a doctor does my cousin want to become a doctor? 2.our team didn't win the match did our team win the match? 3.they won't come to see us tomorrow will they come to see us tomorrow? 4.his father wasn't a worker was his father a worker?

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