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37. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами. 1.there are no cloths the tables. 2. what street do you live 3. sunday our restaurant serves brunches. 4. last week he went … moscow. 5.there are a lot of bridges … the thames. 6. she goes work bus. 7. the evening we didn’t go anywhere and stayed home. 8. many people travel … train. 9. the waiter wrote the bill … a pen and put it … the table. 10. i was born the first … october. 11. fish is eaten … a fish fork and never a knife. 12. he took used plates the table and put them washing machine. 13. we went … home … foot. 14. they often go a walk the park. 15. he works … the hotel. 16. i don’t like to sit the window. 17. she stood and went the room. 18. usually i work … 7 a.m. … 6 p.m. o’clock. 19. i am fond … classical music. 20. before work waiters put their uniforms and chefs go the kitchen.

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1on 2 at 3 on 4 to 5 across 6 to, by 7 in, at 8 by 9 with, on 10 on, of 11 with, with 12 from, into 13 -, on 14 for, to 15 at 16 by 17 up, off 18 from, to 19 of 20 on, to

Isaw you in the park yesterday. вчера я увидел тебя в парке.   i watched television only last week. я только на прошлой неделе смотрел телевизор. yesterday i played computer games. вчера я играл в компьютерные игры.last year we went to the zoo. в прошлом году мы ходили в зоопарк.i opened the box and found some chocolate bars there. я открыл коробку и обнаружил там несколько шоколадных батончиков!

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