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Рассказ о русском телевидении на английском

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Since the times of its appearance television has played a very important role in people’s lives. It’s considered to be one of the most powerful media sources. The first sketches of moving objects in electronic devices were made in 1878, later in the 20-s and 30-s of the XX century the first real television appeared.

Television has consequently become a cheap form of entertainment for people worldwide. The first TVs were white and black, and only in 1967 the citizens of our country saw colour television. Nowadays television has progressed and changed a lot for the better. Nearly every family has one or two TVs in their homes, and these TVs differ a lot from the past ones. Contemporary TV sets offer digital television (DTV), high-definition television (HDTV) and other new technologies. There are also hundreds of thematic channels instead of two and three, which were back in the 60-s.


Со времен своего появления телевидение играет очень важную роль в жизни людей. Оно считается одним из самых мощных средств массовой информации. Первые наброски движущихся объектов в электронных устройствах были сделаны в 1878 году, позже в 20-х и 30-х годах ХХ века появилось первое реальное телевидение.  

В результате, телевидение, стало дешевой формой развлечения для людей во всем мире. Первые телевизоры были черно-белые, и только в 1967 году граждане нашей страны увидели цветной телевизор. В настоящее время телевидение очень прогрессировало, и сильно изменилось в лучшую сторону. Почти каждая семья имеет один или два телевизора у себя дома, и эти телевизоры сильно отличаются от тех, что были в Современные телевизоры предлагают цифровое телевидение (DTV), телевидение высокой четкости (HDTV) и другие новые технологии. Существует также сотни тематических каналов вместо двух и трех, которые были в 60-х годах.

Dog the dog is a pet animal. it has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a short tail. dogs are of many types, different colours and size. dogs don’t only see in black and white — they can also see blue and yellow. it is found everywhere. it has a sharp sense of hearing and smell. the dog is a very useful and faithful animal. it loves its master very much. it guards the house from thieves with care. it is right to call him man’s best friend cat a cat is a small pet animal. it has four legs, sharp claws and teeth, bright eyes and a furry tail. its body is covered with soft and silky hair. it is vary in different colours like grey, white, black, brown etc. it resembles the tiger. it lives up to 15-20 years. the cat is fond of milk and fish. a cat’s sense of smell is approximately 14 times greater than that of a human. the cat is live all over the world. it lives in streets as well as in our homes. domestic cats, especially young kittens, are known for their love of play. parrot the parrot is a very colourful and beautiful bird. it has red curved beak and strong legs that end with four toes. its feathers are green. some of parrots have red feathers at the top. there is a black ring around the neck of it. it lives in the hollows of trees. it builds nest and lays its eggs in it. it eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds and boiled rice too. it is fond of fruits such as mangoes, nuts, pears, etc.it flies very fast and often flies in flocks. parrot s is an intelligent bird. it is able to imitate human voice. many people train parrots to do wonderful things. there are around 353 different species of these lovely, brightly feathered birds in the world. on average, small pet parrots like budgies live about 10 years. very large pet parrots can live 80 years or even more.

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