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NUQTALAR O'RNIGA SO'Z QO'YING New Year Traditions for Good Luck In Mexico, one of the favourite ways to celebrate New Year is to carry ... (What) around the house. The tradition means to bring ... (What). In Denmark, people ... (What/do) in unison at midnight. This symbolizes jumping forward into the new year and leaving ... (What) behind. In Belgium, ... (Who) get up early on New Year's Day and wish the cows and other domestic animals ... (What). In Japan, there is a tradition that takes place at midnight on New Year's Eve. It is ringing a bell exactly ... (How many) times. It symbolises getting rid of ... (What) of the old year. In Ecuador, people make large scarecrows and set fire to them at midnight in order to burn away the bad things of last year. Making the scarecrow is a family activity. People do it for fun and laughs. In Sydney, there is one of the biggest New Year's Eve celebrations in the world. It is summer in Australia, and thousands of people gather around the Opera House. A family-friendly firework show starts at 9pm, while the main attraction - the Harbour Light Parade - is at midnight. In the Philippines, at New Year people eat round foods, carry coins in their pockets, and wear polka-dotted clothing. The round shape symbolises money, and makes people believe that they will have more money the next year. The Vietnamese wear brand new clothes to bring in the New Year with a fresh start. These clothes are not the modern Western styles that most people wear in their daily life. They wear a traditional kind of long dress with trousers​

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1. he works non-stop all day. 2. you will not achieve anything if you mind. 3. all this should be discussed before making a decision. 4. you can lose weight by doing exercises. 5. he will answer after a consultation with his lawyer. 6. he walked past without noticing us. 7. he missed the opportunity to go there because he got ill. 8. do not do it without proper consideration.

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