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кто может Spotlight 6 Module 4 test.

Name: Form

I. Match the words to make up word combinations.




4.Go to


a) bed

b) lessons at school

c) teeth

d) breakfast

e) sports

II. Make up adjectives from the following words: (with the help of suffixes -ing, -ful, -ic, -able) and translate

6.interest 7. excite 8.disgust 9. wonder 10. fantasy 11. enjoy

III. Make questions to the answers.

12.They always get up at eight o’clock.

13. I go to bed at eleven o’clock.

14.He gets up at seven o’clock.

15. She goes to school by bus.

16.He often plays football in his free time.

IV. Put the verbs in correct form.

21 Jack and Frank (meet) once a week.

17 She (catch) the No. 16 bus every morning. 22 Mrs McCarthy (work) in a computer factory.

18 Jane (take) the train at 8 o'clock every morning. 23 (Margaret/go) to the cinema on Saturdays?

19 My sister (not/eat) breakfast every day.

20 What time (he/leave) for school on Mondays?

V. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

24. we/Scout Club/go/Sundays/the/often/to/on.

25. usually/go/I/to/8 o’clock/school/at.

26. never/my/put/tent/grandparents/a/up.

27. always/London/to/go/they/spring/in.

VI. Choose the correct response.

28.Are you free tonight?

29.Shall we say nine at my place?

30.Would you like to come to the concert with us tomorrow?

31.How about going to the theatre?

32. I’m afraid I can’t come tonight

A Ok, we’ll do it some other time.

B Yes, I’d love to.

C Sounds great! What time?

D Sure, see you later.

E I think so, why?

VII. Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.


Hi! Thanks for e.g. your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I 33) my homework in the evenings and 34) that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don't really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

35) the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 36) the cinema with friends on Saturday night. On Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 37) I go cycling.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.




A you B your C our

33 A make B do C study 36 A at B in C to

34 A after B then C when 37 A sometimes B never C always

35 A In B At C For

VIII. Read the sentences. Make them negative.

38. Harry Potter lives with his family.

39. Harry Potter goes to Muggles’ School.

40.Harry usually has breakfast in the Forbidden Forest.

41.Harry studies Herbology at the greenhouse once a week.

42. Harry studies the night skies every Monday morning.

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The nickname of london's underground is tube.

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