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1) What major division individual bones are arranged into?
a) 5
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2
e) 6
2) What kind of Muscles doesn’t exist?
a) Cardial
b) Visceral
c) Skeletal
d) Cardiac
3) This type оf system is also called the
circulatory system?
a) Nervous
b) Vascular
c) Alimentary tract
d) Respiratory
e) Digestive
4) What kind of system helps you to
a) Respiratory
b) Digestive
c) Urinary
d) Nervous
e) Vascular
5) What part of respiratory system carries
air from throat into the lungs?
a) Trachea
b) Bronchi
c) Alveoli
d) Diaphragm
e) Veins
6) How many alveoli are there within an
average adult lung (approximately)?
a) 3 million
b) 4 million
c) 5 million
d) 1 million
e) 6 million
7) What disease is not connected with
respiratory system?
a) Pneumonia
b) Asthma
c) Chicken-pox
d) Tuberculosis
e) Influenza
8) What type of nerves doesn’t exist?
a) Skeletal
b) Lumbar
c) Thoracic
d) Cervical
e) Central
9) What is the basic unit in the nervous
a) Neurons
b) Axons
c) Dendrites
d) Nerves
e) Cells
10) What is the weight of the brain?
a) 1.3-1.4 kg
b) 1.5-1.6 kg
c) 2 kg
d) 1 kg
e) 1.1-1.2 kg
11) What is the 1st division of the
alimentary tract formed by?
a) Mouth
b) Large intestine
c) Small intestine
d) Gallbladder
e) Throat
12) …. are two bean-shaped organs, each
about the size of a fist
a) Kidneys
b) Lungs
c) Liver
d) Gallbladder
e) Heart
13) How many types of bleeding exist?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5
e) 6
14) …. injury of death due to inhaling,
touching, swallowing, chemical, venoms
and gases
a) Poisoning
b) Bruise
c) Shock
d) Choking
e) Bleeding
15) The integration and command center
of the body is ….
a) Central nervous system
b) Cranial nervous system
c) Peripheral nervous system
d) Autonomic nervous system
e) Main nervous system
16) …. send signals to other cells through
thin fibers called axons
a) Neurons
b) Nerves
c) Synapses
d) Dendrites
e) Lobe
17) The ….. is a musculomembraneous
canal about 8 ½ metres in length.
a) Alimentary tract
b) Esophagus
c) Small Intestine
d) Ascending Colon
e) Large intestine
18) How many bones made up axial
a) 100
b) 120
c) 126
d) 112
e) 80
19) A medical phrase doctors use to
suggest that peritonitis or some other
emergency is present and surgery is likely
a) Acute abdomen
b) Appendicitis
c) Pancreatitis
d) Peptic ulcer disease
e) Abdominal hernia
20) Nervous system that connect the brain
to the eyes , mouth and other parts of the
a) Cranial
b) Central
c) Peripheral
d) Autonomic
e) M

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1) What did you do last night?

We were visited by our friends.

with. We drank tea, my wife showed photos, and mine

a friend talked about his new job, 2) With whom the secretary

they said yesterday morning? She was talking to our new one

business partner. 3) Where did the children play yesterday after school?

They played volleyball on the playground in front of the school with friends.

goy to the fifth. 4) Who rehearsed in the assembly hall yesterday at ten

that morning? - Our school drama club. They were preparing

before the festival. 5) When did Sandra publish this article? - She

printed and yesterday at seven o'clock in the evening. 6) Who was John talking to?

left yesterday during the lunch break? - He talked to

manager. They discussed the work plan for the fall.

7) What did Olga do all day yesterday? - In the morning she cleans

la apartment, and in the evening helped her friend to prepare a holiday

for dinner. Her friend celebrated her birthday yesterday.

no. 8) What day did Dan work at the computer yesterday?


worked from ten in the morning until six in the evening. 9) How long chi-

did the patient operate on the patient yesterday? He operated on patient two

and a half hours, 10) To whom Gordon called in and

at five o'clock? - Bin called his real estate agent!

They were discussing buying a house


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