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33 ! вместо звездочки надо вставить слово. fill in the missing words. 1 * old is she? 2 * you go swimming yesterday? 3 he * to have long hair, but now he's got short hair. 4 he has got a cat, but he * got a dog. 5“how * is your school from your house? ” "2 kilometres" 6 nice to * you, alan. 7 the * here is quite cold and it's raining. 8 we're staying * a lovely hotel. 9 what * do you start work? 10 the italians * eating pasta and seafood. 11 jim always * a shower in the morning . 12 i wake * at 6: 00 every morning. 13" * do you have french? " "in classroom 8." 14 * are you doing tonight? 15 we went to the beach * saturday. 16 john * use to have a bike, but he has one now. 17 mum * the shopping every friday. 18"what * eyes has he got? " "green." 19 paula goes to school * foot. 20 what do thais * like?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1how 2did 3want 4hasn`t 5far 6meet 7weather 8in 9time 10like 11take 12up 13where 14what 15last 16wants(неуверена) 17do 18color of 19by 20more (неуверена)

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