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That sounds OK. How much are the tickets? Enjoy the show! 2 The sentences below are from a dialogue between a clerk
and a customer. What does Maria want to do?
Listen and read to find out.
Clerk: Hello, The Palace Theatre. How can I help you?
Maria: Hi. I'd like to book two tickets for The Rose, please.
Clerk: OK. When for?
Maria: This Saturday at 6 p.m.
Clerk: I'm sorry but it's sold out for 6 p.m. How about the 9 p.m.
Maria: That sounds OK. How much are the tickets?
Clerk: They're £40 each.
Maria: Right, I'd like two, please.
Clerk: Can I have your name, please?
Maria: Maria Ibragimova.
Clerk: Right, Ms Ibragimova, your tickets are booked. You can pick
them up at the box office half an hour before the show starts.
Maria: Thank
Clerk: Enjoy the show!
you very much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Maria wants to book two tickets for the Rose in The Palace Theatre.

ну вот вроде перевод (не думаю что он точный)

даю тут письмо какое то... я ничего не понимаю

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