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Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткий ответ. 1. —— in london last , (he was in london last christmas.) 2. —— in the united states at the end of may? —— (they were in the united states at the end of may.) at the end of april? christmas tree on the first of december (they decorated the christmas tree on the first of december). (the could swim.) cards last sunday (she sent twenty cards last sunday.) books on the treble (he put the books on the table.) books on the table? (he put the books on the table.) 's day? (they always celebrate mother's day.) send christmas cards? (she likes to send christmas cards.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1was he  in london last christmas? yes, he was   2  were they  in the united states at the end of may? yes, they were 3 was  easter at the end of april? yes, it was 4  did they decorate the christmas tree on the first of december? yes, they did5 could they swim? yes, they could6 did s he send twenty cards last sunday? yes, she did7 did h e put the books on the table? yes, he did 9 do they always celebrate mother's day? yes, they do10 does s he like  to send christmas cards? yes, she does

2)yes,they were 3) yes,he was 4) no, i am not 5)yes, it is 6)no, i can not 7)yes,i like 8)yes,i did

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