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Полдежащее+ would have +V3/ed +второс. члены If+ подлеж.+ had V3/ed + второс. члены Put the verbs into the correct third conditional form
1) Mark (visit) you if he (know) you were sick.
had known would have visited
2) If I (see) the bank robbers, I (give) the police a description of them.
had seen given would have
3) If we (not meet), my husband and I (not get) married.
wouldn't have got met hadn't
4) Barbara (go) to France if she (win) the money.
won would have had gone
5) George (not lose) his job if he (work) harder.
lost worked wouldn't have had
6) If I (save) enough money, I (go) overseas.
had would have saved gone
7) If you (do) what I said, this (not happened).
done had wouldn't have happened
8) We (get) there earlier if we (leave) sooner.
9) If Mike (drive) slower, he (not have) an accident.
10) I (say) hello if I (see) you.
11) If you (not remind) me, I (forget) about Rachel's birthday.
12) If Robert (be) hungry, he (eat) something.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) would have visited, had known

2) had seen, would have given

3) hadn't met, wouldn't have got

4) would have gone, had won

5) wouldn't have lost, had worked

6) had saved, would have gone

7) had done, wouldn't have happened

8) would have got, had left

9) had driven, wouldn't have had

10) would have said, had seen

11) hadn't reminded, would have forgotten

12) had been, would have eaten

1 written

2 seen

3 made

4 been

5 won


Популярно: Английский язык