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1. Serwnad were the first in American records to engage in home fire inspections. 2. The praefectus vigilum, predecessor of the modern fire chief responded to ginceesmeer in his chariot. 3. A fire notervinpe ordinance prescribed fines for dirty chimneys. 4. The sirnunace companies were quick to investigate and prosecute. 5. Hminecy viewers who neglected their duties were to be fined 6 shillings and replaced. 6. The Great Chicago Fire emphasizes the need for sound suttonniccor employing a minimum of wood and other ballammef materials. 7. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company ceddelux drug stores, flax and hemp dealers, liquor dealers, ship chandlers, coach and carriage builders, and dealers in varnish. 8. The Chicago fire followed a 14-week period of toguhrd and occurred during a windstorm later estimated to be of cyclone violence. 9. In 1889 the National Board of Fire Underwriters established a committee on fire departments, fire patrols, and water lusupp and began promoting fire fatsey work in the cities.

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Give my ,please, some juice- дай мне немного сока   do you speak  any foreign languages? - ты говоришь на каких-нибудь иностранных  языках i haven t  much work today- у меня сегодня много работы unfortunately, he has few friends- к сожалению у него мало друзей   he spent a lot of money - он потратил много денег have you got many books? - у тебя много книг we vе got little time.- у нас мало времени lots  of people went to the game.- многие люди перешли на эту игру

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