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1. запишите следующие существительные во множественном числе: ex: a city-cities a dish, an eagle, a class, a woman, a deer, a mouse, a box, a tooth, an englishman, a photo, a wife, a dish, a bench, a hero, a family, a village, a life, a foot, a phenomenon, a day, a roof, a datum. 2. поставьте следующие прилагательные и наречия в 3 степени сравнения: ex: short- shorter- the shortest long, silly, successful, happy, convenient, nice, difficult, much, good, small, little, poor, clever, unpleasant, hot, well. 3. заполните пропуски формами глаголов “ to be” или ” to have” во временах simple. ex: my sisters… students. my sisters are students. 1. sheep … grass- eating animals. 2. where … money? i can’t find it. 3. who … … a chance to help me with tomorrow’s test? 4. no news … good news. 5. he … not any money. he … poor. 6. … women always right? 7. when john studied at college, economics … his favorite subject. 8. where … you at 10 o’clock last friday morning? 9. today the weather … warm but tomorrow it … … colder. 10. … you many friends in your childhood? 4. вместо пропусков впишите правильные формы местоимений: 1. ex: he likes … car. he washes …every minute. he likes his car. he washes it every minute. 1. your hands are dirty. wash … 2. their son is very hungry. give … something to eat. 3. take some bread and put … on the table. 4. i haven’t got a pen. can you give me …? 5. these are our coats. give … our clothes. 6. the boy has got a bike but he can’t drive … 7. alice is very busy. help…, please. 8. they invited david to stay with … in … house. 9. give me … photo and i’ll give you… 10. look at this butterfly. … wings are beautiful. 5. заполните пропуски требующейся по смыслу формой оборота ‘’ there+ be’’ и переведите предложения на язык. ex: … … two windows in the room. в комнате два окна. there are two windows in the room. 1. … … any snow outdoors? 2. … … three women on the photo. 3. … … any information for me? 4. … … many children in the bus. 5. what … … in the glass? 6. … … not any ice-cream in the refrigerator. 7. … … any pictures on the wall? 8. … … only one night club in the town 20 years ago. 9. in a year … … a new supermarket near my house. 10. … … many teenagers at yesterday’s party?

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1. decided. 2. didn't want. 3.are leaving. 4. are driving. 5. broke down. 6. decided. 7. am waiting. 8. drove. 9.stoped. 10. is looking

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