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MODAL VERBS 4,5,6 IV. Choose the right translation of the italicized words.
1. Надо было предупредить меня, что вы придете, я бы испекла пирог.
a) must have told; b) should have told; c) had to tell
2. Врачи советуют: зубы необходимо чистить, по крайней мере, два раза в день.
a) must b) have to; c) should
3. Напрасно ты послал этот документ по факсу, им необходим оригинал.
a) needn’t' have sent; b) shouldn’t have sent; c) mustn’t have sent
4. Мне не нужно носить очки, у меня еще довольно хорошее зрение.
a) mustn't wear; b) needn't have worn; c) don't have to wear
5. Зря ты пришел. Лекцию отменили.
a) didn't have to come; b) needn't have come; c) mustn't come
6. Я спал до двух. Мне не надо было идти на работу. Это был мой выходной.
a) needn't have to go; b) didn't have to go; c) shouldn't go
7. Чтобы посещать этот клуб, необязательно быть его членом.
a) shouldn't be; b) mustn't be; c) don't have to be
8. Te6e не следовало так невежливо разговаривать с ней, она обиделась.
a) shouldn't have spoken; b) shouldn't speak; c) didn't have to speak
V. Select the appropriate verb form from the a, b, c variants.
1. It can't there now. I heard the weather forecast.
a) rain; b) be raining; c) have been raining
2. "It's impossible, he couldn't ………it!" exclaimed Phil.
a) do; b) have been doing; c) have done
3. Can he……… to a teacher like that yesterday? I can't believe it.
a) be speaking; b) have spoken; c) have been speaking
4. Will you go with me? You may……… things that I can miss.
a) have noticed: b) be noticing; c) notice
5. "It's no easy matter to find the man," the policeman said to me. He might………
my thoughts.
a) be reading; b) have been reading; c) read
6. When is your mother to return? You must………... her terribly all that time.
a) have missed; b) miss; c) have been missing
7. They didn't understand me, I realized that I must………... the wrong word.
a) use; b) have used; c) be using
8. I must …………. there for a quarter of an hour before I noticed the letter.
a) be sitting; b) have sat; c) have been sitting

VI. Rewrite the sentences using one of the modal verbs from the box.
a) must; b) must have; c) might; d) might have; e) can't; f) can't have g) can; h) can have

1. He doesn't know the city well. Perhaps he lost his way. He ………. lost his way.
2.I am sure we've taken the wrong bus. We've never passed that Cathedral before.
We …………taken the wrong bus.
2. Possibly, I'll show you the film again at the end of the term.
I …………. show you the film again at the end of the term.
3. I don't think you've lost your glasses. I'm sure they are somewhere around here.
You lost your glasses.
5. I can't believe he is joking. He's always so serious about it.
he be joking?
6. Probably he is late. Don't worry.
He be late.
7. I doubt John told a lie then. ……he……told a lie then.
8. I don't think he is telling the truth. He ……... be telling the truth.

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