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What is a friendship​

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Personally, I suppose friendship is good relationships with someone. You are on the same page with this person: you have similar interests, hobbies and also points of view on different things. In addition to this, friendship is trust. You can easily tell your friend a secret and be sure it won't be revealed. I guess friends make you feel less abandoned and also make your life much exciting.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that our lives would be much harder without friends.


Лично я полагаю, что дружба это хорошие взаимоотношения с кем-либо. Ты имеешь много общего с этим человеком: интересы, хобби, а также взгляды на какие-либо вещи. В дополнение, дружба это доверие. Ты с легкостью можешь рассказать секрет своему другу, и быть уверенным, что его не раскроют. Я полагаю, что друзья тебе чувствовать не так одиноко, а также сделать твою жизнь гораздо насыщенней.

В заключение, мне бы хотелось сказать, что наши жизни бы были гораздо труднее без друзей.

1. last week we went on holiday. she came back last friday. i saw her in the street. he drank much juice. they learnt the poem yesterday.2. 1) did i see a movie last night? i didn't (did not) see a movie last night.2) did they have breakfast an hour ago? they didn't (did not) have breakfast an hour ago.3) did we go to school yesterday? we didn't (did not) go to school yesterday.4) did he get up late last weekend? he didn't (did not) get up late last weekend.5) did she give her mother a beautiful picture for christmas? she didn't (did not) give her mother a beautiful picture for christmas?

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