Apregnancy woman needs … 300 more calories per day they before she become pregnant. woman carrying … will need even more. the best way … extra calories is healthy snacks eaten between meals. protein is a component of every … and important for building the maternal blood supply. dairy products are … sources of both calcium and phosphorus. many women enter … with low iron stores. green, leafy vegetables, liver are good sources of … …

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before pregnancy, a woman needs 300 more calories per day even before she becomes pregnant. a woman carrying a baby will need even more. the best way to get extra calories is healthy snacks eaten between meals. protein is a component of every process and is important for building the maternal blood supply. dairy products are the sources of both calcium and phosphorus. many women enter labor with low iron stores. green, leafy vegetables, liver are good sources of ferrum for women's blood.

1 и 2 правильно, супер
в третьем вижу ошибочку, вместо do надо did, ведь это время (можно сказать по слову yesterday)
в четвёртом первый пропуск – did
второй – start
в пятом was и cooking
good luck

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