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4 Write sentences in the superlative. 1 Russia / big / country/ in the world 2 The cheetah / fast / animal in the world
3 The Mona Lisa / famous /painting in the world
4 The University of Al-Karaouine in Morocco / old/ university in the world
5 The Himalayas / high/mountains in the world
6 The Australian box jellyfish / poisonous / creature in the world​

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Ответы на вопрос:

In pairs, ask and

answer the questions below. Make notes.

What's your name?

My name's Egor

How do you spell it?


What's your surname?

My surname's Kutepov

Where are you from?

I am from Russia

How old are you?

I'm 18 years old

What's your favourite subject?

my favorite subject is mathematics and physical education

What's your favourite sport?

My favorite sports are football and tennis

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