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Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. ваш класс выиграл конкурс, и вам дали грант. объясните иностранному журналисту, от кого вы получили грант, за что и что вы планируете купить на полученные деньги для школы. напишите диалог желательно на

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Ответы на вопрос:


m-me(you) )


j-hello,can i ask you some questions,please?

m-of course,what are you interested in?

j-when did you get this grant,what have you done do receive it?

m-oh,i get it for about a day or two ago,we got competition between classes in our school and we won because we got better teamplay than others,we understood each others and thats why we  snatched victory from the hands of our rivals.

j-well,thats interesting,can i ask you one more question?

m-of course!

j-how will you spend money you got?

m-hmmm,nice question,i have not decided yet but i think i'll send half of them to my granny,the other half will be spent to pay for internet,utilities and to buy some presents for friends.

j-thank you very much,bye!

m-bye! glhf

Mike has already read that letter.

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