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Английский язык future perfect/future perfect continuous 1) I (to clean) up all that mess in the house for an hour by the time you get here to help me
2)by the end of the week she (to read) Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy
3) I (to clean) up the mess in the house after yesterday’s party by the time my mom gets home
4) my friend likes reading. By the end of the week she (to read) the books by Lev Tolstoy for a month
5) by the end of next year Mr Lucas (to teach) history for 30 years at our school
6) the teams (to play) the game by the time our company get to the stadium
7) by the end of next week Mrs Ann (to teach) our class the Civii War
8) the teams (to play) for almost a half an hour by the time I and my friends get to the stadium

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Ответы на вопрос:

My best friend is Jacob (к примеру, можно другое имя)

He's really energetic and funny.

He's got blue eyes and medium-long brown hair. He's taller than me


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