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Переведите на , ! невероятно трогательная, милая, невероятная и легкая о справедливости. простой язык, который затягивает и не отпускает. роальд даль умело выстраивает сюжетную линию - так, что страницы хочется переворачивать снова и снова - обязательно есть какая-нибудь зацепка, на которую хочется найти ответ. , в которую изначально поверить трудно. но при чтении об этом можно легко забыть - и просто погрузиться в атмосферу веселья, борьбы, жара и умных, достойных людей. мне кажется, что "матильду" читать можно и полезно в любом возрасте. хотя, наверное, дети поймут ее даже лучше взрослых.

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Ответы на вопрос:

An incredibly touching, sweet, incredible and easy story about justice. a very simple language that tightens and does not let go. roald dahl very skillfully builds the storyline - so that the pages you want to turn over and over again - there must be some clue to which you want to find the answer. history, which is initially difficult to believe. but when reading about this you can easily forget - and just immerse yourself in an atmosphere of fun, struggle, heat and smart, worthy people. it seems to me that matilda can be read and useful at any age. although, probably, children will understand it even better than adults.

An incredibly touching, sweet, incredible and easy story about justice. a very simple language that tightens and does not let go. roald dahl very skillfully builds the storyline - so that the pages you want to turn over and over again - there must be some clue to which you want to find the answer. history, which is initially difficult to believe. but when reading about this you can easily forget - and just immerse yourself in an atmosphere of fun, struggle, heat and smart, worthy people. it seems to me that matilda can be read and useful at any age. although, probably, children will understand it even better than adults.

1. the freshman was laughed at by the senior students. 2. the headmistress was spoken to by the group yesterday. 3. the babies were looked after with great careby their young mothers. 4. that old house wasn't lived in. 5. jim was sent for and he was told to prepare a report on that subject. 6. our friend was thought about all the time. 7. he will be operated on in a week. 8. the pupil’s parents were sent for by the teacher. 9. the newspaper was looked for everywhere. 10. the bed wasn't slept in. 11. the telegram was asked for by the neighbour. 12. the lecturer was listened to with great attention. 18. the weather is often spoken about. 18. their heavy backpacks were dropped by the two hikers. 19. the roof of the house will be painted by the boys. 20. the fence was whitewashed by tom sawyer. 21. she was given three beautiful dishes as a birthday present by her daughters. three beautiful dishes were given to her as a birthday present by her daughters.   2) 1. irene was brought some beautiful shells from the south by her husband. some beautiful shells were brought to irene from the south by husband. 2. the newspaper reporters were given a long interview by the explorers. a long interview was given to the newspaper reporters by the explorers. 3. you will be taught english by mr. wilson. english will be taught to you by mr. wilson. 4. i was ordered me a month’s rest from studying by the doctor. a month’s rest from studying was ordered to me by the doctor. 5. nick was given a book for his birthday by tom. a book was given to nick for his birthday by tom. 6. we are told stories by our mother every evening. stories are told to us by our mother every evening. 7. you will be shown a new book of pictures by lydia. a new book of pictures will be shown to you by lydia. 8. she was shown the way by a boy. the way was shown to her by a boy. 9. we will (или shall) be sent a box of fruit. a box of fruit will be sent to us 10. they were followed by five or six small children. 11. in summer the horses are often driven to the fields by the boys. 12. the poles were led by ivan susanin into the thickest part of the forest. 13. the boat was carried away. 14. the translation will be done in the evening. 15. the flowers are regularly watered. 16. i was promised these books long ago. these books were promised to me long ago. 17. bessie was given a complete set of walter scott’s works by her father. a complete set of walter scott’s works was given to bessie by her father.

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