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a. — b. a
c. an d. the
2.After the success of its latest product, the company has returned to
а. profiteering b. profiting
c. profit d. profitability
3. Will you have got a good weekly income from your pension __ you retire?
a. after b. while
c. when d. before
4.My friend Lucy is a morning person, but I'm not. I always get upthan she does.
a. more laterb. much earlier
c. more earlierd. much later
5.Henry's job doesn't interest him. Henry is a employee. Henry's job is .
a. boring; boring b. bored; boring
c. boring; bored d. bored; bored
6.Не received a master's degree agricultural economics from
Cornell University.
a. for b. in
c. about d. on
7.The training was providedsignificant expense to the company.
a. at b. about
c. on d. fo
8.The company aims to increase their market by branchinginto new areas of business.
a. off b. out
c. in d. up
9.I' ve just been to the council meeting. It looks like theya new shopping centre in town.
a. will build b. will be building
c. are building d. are going to build
10.Don't disturb me, I've got a report by lunchtime.
a. being writtenb. to write
c. having been written d. to be written
11.The PAmy flights. She says it isn't in her job description.
a. won’t book b. can’t book
c. mustn’t book d. shouldn’t book

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. jane supposed they would go to the theatre the following day.

2. lena pleased not to take the books from her table. she had specially prepared them for working at her report.

3. grandfather said to nick not to afraid. that dog was very clever and it wouldn't do him any harm.

4. my aunt said that she would go to the cinema with me because she hadn't seen  that film and she wanted to see it very much.



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