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. 1. It’s … most useful article I’ve ever read. 2. Today is … Monday … 20th of …September. 3. What … interesting contribution. 4. His… attendance at … conference is … impossible. 5. … Chairman proposed to open …page…thirty-five of … Drafting Resolution. 6. He gave his…annotation to…article to…Times. 7. We have …few reports to speak with. 8 There is …agenda of … conference. 9. There are … scientists from … China at… conference. 10. … Smirnovs is… marriage couple of … most outstanding scientists. 11. Last year we visited …conference on… psychology at …London University. 12. … contribution is very important. 13. … First Circular usually contains … Preliminary Application Form. 14. … course of any Conference is directed by … Chairman. 15. It is … duty of …promoters of the meeting to elect … Chairman.

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1. The

2. - , the

3. an

4. - , the, -

5. The, the, the

6. -, the , the

7. a

8. -, the

9. -, -, the

10. a

11. a , the

12. -

13. the , a

14. The ,the

15. -, the, the.

Are they sad? is the girl on the table? is the boy in the tree? is the dog brown?

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