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БЫСТРЕЕ продолжите п редложения письменно, используя условные придаточные: 1) If I get up early, ... 2) If I am happy, ... 3) If I have a big house, ... 4) If I live in Great Britain, ... 5) If it is rainy tomorrow, ... 6) If he gets one million dollars, ...

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. If I get up early, I'll feel tired all day

2. If I am happy, I wish everyone a good day

3.if I have a big house, I will decorate it beautifully

4.If I live in Great Britain, I'll go to university there

5. If it is rainy tomorrow, I'll stay at home

6. If he gets one million dollars, I'll marry him

Will go (будущее.время)

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