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Say what you will do and what you won't do next sunday. free time activities write a postcard to your granny go abroad stay in a hotel go boating go to school go to the forest buy a mobile go to the north/south ski buy souvenirs for your friends have lunch in a restaurant talk to your friends on the phone celebrate your birthday drive a car cook sunday lunch

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'll (will) write a postcard to my granny. i'll go abroad. i'll stay in a hotel. i'ii go boating. i won't (will not) go to school. i'll go to the forest. i won't buy a mobile. i'll  go to the north. i will ski. i will buy souvenirs for my friends. i'll have lunch in a restaurant. i'll talk to my friends on the phone. i will   celebrate my birthday. i won't drive a car. i won't cook sunday lunch.

My mom was sad about something so i wanted to surprise her. this is what i did: i took a bunch of flowers and placed it on her bad. cleaned all the dishes. cleaned my room. made my bed. washed all our clothes. decorated my mom's room. and got a present for her. when she came back she was so tired. when she saw everything, my mom felt like she was the happiest mom in the world. моей маме было грустно о чем-то, поэтому я хотел ее удивить. это то, что я сделал: я взял кучу цветов и положил ее на нее плохо. очистили все блюда. убрал мою комнату. сделал мою кровать. омыл всю нашу одежду. украсила комнату моей мамы. и получил подарок для нее. когда она вернулась, она так устала. когда она все увидела, моя мама почувствовала, что она самая счастливая мама в мире.

Популярно: Английский язык