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Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов: 1. on the left in America

A) You mustn’t to drive

B) You not must drive

C) You mustn’t driving

D) You mustn’t drive

2. Выберите верное

A) He don’t smoke

B) He not smoke

C) He doesn’t smokes

D) He doesn’t smoke

3. Walk!

A) Run not

B) Not run

C) Don’t run

D) No run

4. She’sthan I am

A) older

B) more old

C) more older

D) most older

5. Выберите верное

A) What time is the train going to leave?

B) What time the train is going to leave?

C) What time is going to leave the train?

D) What time going to leave is the train?

6. Выберите верное

A) You will come with me tomorrow?

B) Do you come with me tomorrow?

C) Come you with me tomorrow?

D) Will you come with me tomorrow?

7. Oh no! my key

A) I lose

B) I’m lost

C) I’ve lose

D) I’ve lost

8.English since I was 12

A) I’m studied

B) I’ve studied

C) I learn

D) I’ve been studying

9. When I looked out of the window,.

A) it was snowing

B) it were snowing

C) it snowed

D) it’s snowing

10. He speaks Italian

A) good but slow

B) well but slow

C) good but slowly

D) well but slowly

11. If you the box, you’ll find a present

A) opened

B) would open

C) open

D) will open

12. I like this song.

A) So do I

B) So am I

C) So I like

D) So I do

13. Englishall over the world

A) are spoken

B) is speaking

C) is spoke

D) is spoken

14. My phone

A) have been stolen

B) has stolen

C) has been stole

D) has been stolen

15. If youit, it would break

A) would drop

B) will drop

C) had dropped

D) dropped

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