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4перепишите вопросительные предложения, исправив грамматическую ошибку. в двух предложениях ошибок нет. example: what you are holding in your hand ? - what are you holding in your hand ? a) how many phone calls have you made today ? b) what tv programmes did you watched last night ? c) what are you laughing at ? d) how many friends does you have in your home town ? e) how much time are you have to spare today ? f) how long you have known your best friend ? ответьте на вопросы письменно. 5 подчеркните правильный вариант a) how much / many do you know about london? b) only a few / a little people saw what happened. c) she has a little / a lot of problems this year d) there are much / not enough car parks in the city centre. e) i have too much / far too many work and not enough time. f) how much / many emails do you get every day? g) a few / enough london taxis are not black. h) there’s a little / only a few juice left but no mineral water. i) i have very few / little close friends. 6 напишите вопросы к данным ответам: example: yes, i am. this is my husband. are you married ? 1) i’m from russia. 2) fine, thanks. 3) yes, a dog called jimi. 4) we usually go to the seaside resort. 5) i’m reading a novel. 6) we went to the cinema last night. 7) yes, i have. i’ve been to many foreign countries.

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Ответы на вопрос:

5a) how much   do you know about london? b) only a few   people saw what happened. c) she has   a lot of problems this year d) there are   not enough car parks in the city centre. e) i have too much work and not enough time. f) how many emails do you get every day? g) enough london taxis are not black. h) there’s   only a few juice left but no mineral water. i) i have very little close friends. 6 1) where are you from? 2) how are you? 3) did his dog called jimi? 4) where do you usually go? 5) what are you reading? 6) where did you go last night? 7) have you ever been to foreign counrtrie?

1. tom can't sing 2. his isn't long pen 3. jess hasn't got a big cockerel 4. a fox isn't black

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