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с английским нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить в нужную форму 1. We (1) (miss) the first act of the play because when we (2) (arrive) at the theatre the performance already (3) (start) .
2. At the time of the trial last summer Hinkley (4) (be) in prison for eight months.

3. The staff (5) (pay) weekly but now they receive a monthly salary.

4. Denise (6) (modal verb + leave) school early on Wednesday because she (7) (take) her driving test.

5. What’s the point in (8) (argue) with people who (9) (hold) very strong opinions?

6. Many of the survivors (10) (work) in the fields when the earthquake (11) (to strike) .

Phil (12) (stand) at the door soaked from head to toe: he (13) (run) in the rain.

8. Jim (14) (leave) on the early flight the next morning so he (15) (make) his excuses and (16) (leave) the party before midnight.

9. It seems to me, Minister, that the Government (17) (break) all its pre-election promises regarding the Health Service, (18) ?

10. It (19) (must + rain) really hard. All the passers-by (20) (be) soaked through.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Coat of arms of leningrad region is a silver anchor and a gold key on a blue- blue background heraldic shield in the upper part of the shield - silver gear stena.serebryany anchor points to the fact that in the region there are two sea ports - st. petersburg , the european gateway country and vyborg. the key is in the emblem symbolizes the strategic position of the region in northwest russia . the current territory of the leningrad region in the 9th century was a part of the novgorod zemli.krepost the emblem symbolizes so that the area is a stronghold otechestva.tsvetovaya gamma stamp board shows belonging to the region of the russian federation , the color of the coat of arms (red, blue and white) are the colors of the russian flag.

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