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7. In the sentences below some articles are not used correetly. Find and correct the mistakes. 1) River Severn is the longest river in the Great Britain. 2) Washington in the capital of United States of the America 3) Jannat speaks German very well. Last summer she went to the Germany with her family. 4)1 have reeently uned the services of thin travel agency to book a cruise in Mediterranean. 5) The Mount St. Helens in the volcano located in the Washington 6) The Mount Everest in the highest mountain in the world. 7) My grandparenta live in the Naryn. B) My dreanm is to vinit California. D The Korea is near the Japan and China. 10) Australia in a very big continent. 11) Onh get very hot in the summer.​

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перевод на русский язык

1. students arriving in paris visit many various exhibitions. (participle i) - студенты, приезжающие в париж, посещают много разных выставок. 2. a lady travelling by train took a seat in a compartment where a man was smoking one cigarette after another. ( participle i) - , путешествующая поездом, села в купе, где какой-то мужчина курил одну сигарету за другой.3. the life-guard could save the drowned child because of his excellent training in first aid. (participle ii) - спасатель мог спасти утонувшего ребенка превосходной подготовке в оказании первой . 4. he recognized him very easily because he had absolutely big hands, and wearing turquoise tie. (participle i) - он легко узнал его по большущим рукам и бирюзовому галстуку. 5. we have to repair the broken parts of this engine. (participle ii) - мы должны отремонтировать сломанные части этого двигателя. ii. 1. knowing spanish very well he can write scientific articles without any difficulty. (participle i в функции обстоятельства) - хорошо зная испанский (язык), он может писать научные статьи без всяких затруднений. 2. we will use the instruments of improved design. ( participle ii в функции определения) - мы будем использовать инструменты улучшенного дизайна. 3. the children were frightened by the terrible storm. ( participle ii в составе сказуемого) - дети были напуганы ужасной бурей. 4. we are all concerned ( participle ii в составе сказуемого) about the rising ( participle i в функции определения) level of unemployment. - все мы обеспокоены ростом безработицы. 5. while examining the new car we found out some scars on it. (participle i в функции обстоятельства) - осматривая новую машину, мы обнаружили царапины на ней.

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