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1. Переведите предложения, найдите в них конструкции страдательного залога, выпишите их и определите видо-временную форму 2. The new-discovered language was described and deciphered.
3. The inscriptions have not yet been fully studied.
4. The most important archaeological collections are housed in museums.
5. This paper was first published in another edition, and is reprinted here with the permission of the editors.
6. The above problem is being investigated by one of the writers, and the results will be published separately.
2. Переведите предложения, найдите в них инфинитивы, выпишите их и определите видо-временную форму
1. This solution is believed to contain a certain amount of hydrochloric acid.
2. At a certain temperature the contents of the kettle again appear to be boiling.
3. To evaporate this solution was very difficult.
4. Some scientists assume the more easily meltable metal to have been used by man first.
5. Subhalides prove to be mixtures of the normal compound with the excess of the metal.
3. Переведите предложения, найдите в них герундиальные конструкции, выпишите их и определите видо-временную форму

1. Compressing a gas is, in fact, reducing the empty space of which it chiefly consists.
2. The teacher was against your being given this article to translate.
3. Friction between two bodies is called static friction if slipping does not occur.
4. The students did not know of this specimen having been measured before.
5. Rising the output, we must not forget the task of rising the quality at the same time.

4. Переведите предложения, найдите в них причастия, выпишите их и определите видо-временную форму

1. The liquid remaining in the flask contains only a very small proportion of water.
2. The liquid decomposes rapidly when heated at ordinary atmospheric pressure.
3. When exposed to the atmosphere, boron trioxide absorbs moisture with which it combines.
4. Having cooled the solution we poured it into the flask.
5. Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism.

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