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Insert the following words in the text.
in (x2), with (x2), of (x6), for (x2), over, to, by, on
special, specially, best, easily, unsuitable, available.

the materials __ class a fires are __ extinguished __ water. the range __
equipment __ __ attack allows the successful extinguishment __ almost any
size __ fire __ the minimum amount __ damage.
dry powders are also effective but unless there are special considerations
such as rapid – spreading surface fire they are messy and expensive and
have no advantage __ water.
carbon dioxide is not __ suited __ class a fires and __ the absence __
special hazards it should not be generally used. however, there are __ cases
where total flooding systems are used to protect valuable goods which could
be damaged __ water.
foam and vaporizing liquids are __ __ use __ this type __ fire and should
not be used.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. belfast grows very fast. - город belfast развивается стремительно (признак 3-го лица ед числа  ) 2. among other places (множ число) of interest in belfast is the queen’s (притяжательный падеж) university. - среди других интересных мест города belfast есть королевский университет 3. the palm house built in 1850 attracts (показатель 3-его лица единственного числа глагола  ) the visitors’ (притяжат падеж существительного  множественного числа)  attention. -  palm house, построенный в 1850 году привлекает внимание посетителей 

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