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С АНГЛИЙСКИМ ЯЗЫКОМ 7 КЛАСС 11. Look at the pictures below. Describe each picture using a relevant
-ed or ing adjective.
E xa mple: 1) The book is so boring that he does not want to​​

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Look at she of giv ase it ĺain


1. i was curious to find out how bats sleep.

- мне было интересно узнать, как спят летучие мыши.

2.i'm interested in literature. 

  - я интересуюсь .

3. i was worried that she wouldn't sing at the concert.

- я беспокоился, что она не будет петь на концерте.

4. i was surprised to listen to it from him. 

- я был удивлён услышать это от него.

5. she was shocked by his   behaviour.  

- она  была шокирована его поведением.

6. this news makes me sad.

- эта новость меня огорчает.

7.i'm happy to know that you get excellent marks in english 

- я счастлив узнать, что ты получаешь отличные оценки по языку.

    2.   put the words in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. you film when the ?

2. john a bright light as he..was walking down the   street.

3. the 't sleeping   when grandpa..arrived.

4. while he ..was travelling  on the bus to work, he..remembered that

it was his wife's   birthday.5. were the children studying while their preparing dinner?

6. while you .were out, the postman came and ..delivered these letters.


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