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5 утвердительных предложений в Future Continuous: 1) Ifrom 6 to 7 o'clock tomorrow.
2) They still when our mother comes home.
3) He the whole day long.
4) We for 3 hours.​
5) When he calls you, you

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Ответы на вопрос:

The nearest thing to the theatre that many people 1​ (actually) manage to see is their 2​ (favourite) tv soap. for true fans it is an essential part of life, bringing emotional topics for 3​ (discussions) into the home and 4​(raising) issues that will be talked about in work-places and school playgrounds up and down the country the 5​(following) day. far from 6​(providing) hollywood-style escapism, the storylines in today's soaps aim right at the heart of current moral dilemmas 7​(faced) by ordinary people. the 8​(acting) is often of the highest standard, with the leading actors managing to give top-class 9​(performance) three times a week, week after week, 10​(producing) what many consider to be some of the most 11​(powerful) drama in recent years.

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