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Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов. 1. Bank notes bring in no (interest / profit) at all.
2. The (temporary / net) suppliers of loan funds are households whereas business firms and the government are the main (temporary /net) demanders of loans.
3. (Liability / clearance) function is performed in commodities markets by the International Commodities Clearing House (Международная расчетная палата).
4. There are enough workers in the factory to (owe / handle) all the available machinery.
5. It is typical to (issue / withdraw) bonds for the period of several years.
6. The bank (borrows / lends) the (deposited/ withdrawn) money to customers who need capital.
7. Cheques may be written not only against bank (securities / deposits) but also against (interest-bearing / net) building society accounts.
8. Nowadays a bank's main function is to be an intermediary between (lenders / depositors) and borrowers.

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