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Change the sentences from active to passive or from passive to active.
1 Roberts make cars in this factory.
2 This programme is watched by millions of people.
3 They make SEAT cars in Spain.
4 They teach German in our school.
5 The dogs are looked after by my neighbour.
6 This comic is read by people of all ages.

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Ответы на вопрос:

If i were her parents then allowed to do everything he wants, but only after it has made lessons.i would cook a delicious dinner and dessert gave a big bowl of ice cream.permitted to go to bed when you want.do not bother with the dishwashing room and cleanups.i would have been a good parent.перевод: если бы я была своими родителями то разрешала делать все что захочется,но только после того как сделала уроки.я бы готовила вкусный обед и на десерт давала большую миску мороженного.разрешала ложиться спать когда угодно.не приставала с мойкой посуды и уборокой комнаты.я бы была хорошим родителем.

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