Есть ответ 👍

Вставьте слова: anything, somewhere, no, nobody nothing, something somebody anywhere, anythi ng, anywhere.
1. He called Sam, but ... answered the phone.
2. I didn't go ... on the weekend, so I was really bored.
3. Did you hear that? I think ... rang the doorbell.
4. We didn't eat ... for lunch, so we are hungry now.
5. The film was in French so I couldn't understand ... they said.
6. The box is empty. There's ... inside it.
7. I can't find my purse ... ,
8. We usually go to the bar around the corner but tonight we are going ... else.
9. Can I have to drink?
10. There is ... room for your books in the bookcase​

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Ответы на вопрос:

я не знаюлсл

Популярно: Английский язык