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Ii. перепишите и переведите предложения. обратите вниманиена перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.1. the encoding programmes are necessary for any computer.2. the printers advertised in this newspaper are all laser ones.3. the microphone being in a good repair, we decided to use it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the encoding programmes are necessary for any computer.   - программы шифрования данных необходимы для любого компьютера.

2. the printers advertised in this newspaper are all laser ones. - принтеры, рекламируемые в данной газете, все лазерные.

3. the microphone being in a good repair, we decided to use it. - так как микрофон был еще в хорошем состоянии, мы решили им воспользоваться.

2. Have they spoken to the actors yet? Yes, they’ve just spoken to them.

3. Has she’s bought the costumes yet? Yes, she’s just bought them.

4. Have the children painted the stage yet? Yes, they’ve just painted it.

5. Have the actors finished their costumes yet? Yes, they’ve just finished them.

6. Has she washed her hair yet? Yes, she’s just washed it.

7. Have they opened the curtains yet? Yes, they’ve just opened.

8. Has the play finished yet? Yes, it’s just finished.

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