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Английский. Find an adverb in each sentence and write M (manner), F (frequency), D (degree), P (place) or T (time). Найди наречия в предложениях и определи их тип. M (manner – образа действия), F (frequency – частоты действия), D (degree - степени), P (place - места) и T (time - времени)

1 We are going to the zoo tomorrow.
2 Darya stood up suddenly and left the room.
3 Vadim and Ksyusha do their homework after school.
4 It was raining, so we stayed indoors.
5. Danil is rather tired to do his homework…..

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i don't drink coffee now, i make english 2. when you usually come to home in school? 3. your sister learning in institute? 4. your dad working on factory? 5. what your brother doing now? 6. look of klyushneva, he sleeping again. 7. this little boy had never seen a crocodile. 8. let's go for a walk. the rain had stopped and the sun shinе. 9. have you ever been in hermitage? 10. why you sleeping now? it is too early. she never sleeps at this time.

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