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7 Представьте, что вы работаете в благотворительной организации для животных и хотите собрать деньги, чтобы животному. Напишите объявление для журнала. Воспользуйтесь подборкой фактов о белых медведях из упражнения 6 или найдите информацию о другом животном. • Опишите животное и где оно живет. • Скажите, сколько их в дикой природе. • Включите информацию о том, почему животное находится в опасности. • Просите 3 фунта стерлингов в месяц.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Nowadays money plays in life people. some people think that a person can be happy only with a large wallet in his pocket, while others believe that happiness is not about money. who is right? the question is controversial. i’m going to express my opinion.i strongly believe that without money, a happy existence in today's world is impossible. firstly, with the help of wealth, you can improve living conditions and rise to a new social level. secondly, the availability of funds is a kind of independence, freedom of choice. you can choose almost everything and the more money a person has, the better his choice. thirdly, you can buy branded items, which are now at the peak of popularity, it allows you to look more attractive, have something that others do not have.however, there is another opinion that money still remains just a means of payment. to begin with, on them it is impossible to buy truly important human values, sincere feelings. also, money becomes not a means, but an end, then misfortunes begin. they very often become the subject of speculation, theft, robbery.undoubtedly, money alone doesn’t carry any good. yet, i insist on exactly money has become today an expression of human happiness and well-being because, having money, we can realize various interesting projects, get a good education, make our lives more comfortable and safe.in conclusion, i can say that each of us has our own attitude to money, we perceive their presence or absence differently, but we must learn to handle it correctly.

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