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1. Как на возрастной состав населения влияет естественный прирост на- селения?

Если в возрастном составе населения Африки и Азии,где ​наблюдается высокий естественный прирост , доля детей намного выше доли пожелых людей

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Ответы на вопрос:

An old couple go into a cafe for a cup of tea. they sit down, make an order. then they see a chimpanzee walks in. it looks rather strange:   the chimpanzee   is wearing a suit and carrying a newspaper. the chimpanzee sits down and orders a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich. the chimpanzee finishes his tea and sandwich,  pays and walks out. the old couple is astonished, they go to a waiter and the woman says, 'i've never seen anything like that before! ' . the waiter replies,'yes, very strange .he normally has a salad sandwich.'

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