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ПРИМЕР to write Active Infinitive: to be writing — to have written — to have been writting Passive Infinitive: to be written, to have been writ Упражнение 2. Измените предложения, используя фразу-образец выше и переведите их. It is difficult to recognize him. It is interesting to talk to her. It was impossible to read his handwriting. It was easy to answer the question. It is very important to understand the rule.

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Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept covering almost all aspects of people's lives. the word "hygiene" comes from the greek hygienos, which means "bringer of health". definitions hygiene very much, but perhaps they all mean one thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving human health. hygiene includes many sections such as: food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, sports hygiene, personal hygiene, communal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. as . перевод: гигиена включает в себя множество разделов, таких как: гигиена питания, гигиена детей и подростков, гигиена труда, спортивная гигиена, личная гигиена, коммунальная гигиена, гигиена окружающей среды, военная гигиена и т.д.

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