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Read to the story about mobiles and answer the questions. I am standing in a queue at the supermarket. The woman in front of me is talking on her mobile while the shop assistant is filling her bags. I’ll say something if she doesn’t stop soon. No, I won’t. My phone’s ringing now. If it’s my boyfriend, I’ll tell him he’s late again! ‘Oh, it’s my Mum. Well, I’m just…’

Why are we so addicted to mobile phones? There are now over forty million people in Britain with mobiles and if the present trend continues, ever man, woman and child in Britain will soon have one – or two, or three! They can be expensive and are possibly bad for us. You can spend a fortune if you use your mobile a lot. According to some scientists, if we go on using mobiles, we’ll cook our brains. Some people even say that radiation from mobiles causes cancer. Psychologists say we are becoming dependent on mobiles. Dr. Oliver James talks about ‘phoneliness’ – in modern society we are lonely, so if people ring us up or send us text messages, we feel wanted.

Task 1. Write the correct information.

1. The speaker is at the .

2. The woman in front of the speaker is .

3. The person who is calling to the speaker is .

Task 2. Mark sentences True or False.

4. Modern people are not dependent on mobiles.

5. In modern society we are alone without mobiles.
Task 3. Complete the sentences with a proper determiner. Choose between another, other, the next, the other, the others, others, either or neither.

1. John came to see me day. It was last Friday, I think.

2. You can't use those screwdrivers of them is suitable for the job.

3. I met two strangers on the way to work. One of them greeted me and don’t.

4. Some people like to have the windows open all the time; don't.

5. I met John a year ago, but I've seen him nor heard from him since.

6. Say what you like about those two applicants. I didn't like of them!

7. I can't see him today. I'll have to see him day.

8. I don't know who's on the phone. It's your mother or your aunt.

9. We spent the night in a small village and continued our journey day.

10. When shall we meet: at 7 or at 7.30? - I don't mind time is convenient

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:Task 1:


2.talking on her mobile

3.the speaker's mum или her mum





1.the other






7.the other или the next


9.the next



1. runing- running

2. thate - that are

3. makeing- making

4. listenning - listening

5. swiming- swimming

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